Thursday, October 06, 2005

School Holiday Fun Day!

On Monday Sept. 26 we had a blast with the kids in Philippi. We had around 50 kids from our Orphan Support Group show up on their school holiday for a Fun Day. We also had lots of help from young adults in the community (part of our strategy is to empower these young adults to be able to take over the OVC ministry in Philippi as well as the Orphan Support Group). We were able to enjoy the day at Masivuke Primary School which is right near St. Paul’s church in Philippi (Masivuke means "we must rise up!"). (Pictured in foreground clockwise: Sinandile, Nosiphiwo, Sihle, Babalwa with eyes closed--and Susan peeking over.)

We had an awesome time loving on the kids, singing, dancing, playing games, doing crafts, and teaching about Jesus' love for His children. I think the kids had a good time too.... Seriously though, it was a wonderful day. The older kids split from the younger kids for a time of Bible Study and prayer. Matthew talked with the teenagers, helping them to identify areas of holistic health and care (i.e. physical, emotional, spiritual...). After the "lesson" we spent time in prayer and the kids opened up with and prayed for each other, crying and sharing their deep needs and hurts. It was a sweet thing to see these orphans functioning as a support group. It was super difficult at the same time for me (matthew) to feel so inept in meeting the massive needs.

Melinda told the little kids about Noah and the Ark (only one kid had ever heard the story before!). She taught about God who keeps His promises and did a sweet rainbow craft (warn by Zama in the pic). We also struggle with the language barrier. Having grown up speaking Kiswahili, I now feel up against a big wall when hangin' out with these Xhosa kids. Thanks to God's grace I think that some of the kids don't feel this wall as much as we do. (Pictured: Zama and Azolile)

We served lunch, played soccer, frisbee, and keep away and did all manner of crafts. These kids just eat up whatever we present! They seem so easily pleased and grateful. At the same time, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes re-parenting that we do. Many of these kids are abused, most neglected, and all without their own parents. This re-parenting looks like teaching kids to share, saying thank-you, instilling self-worth, modeling gentleness, and lots and lots of hugs.

We ended the day with a big water balloon tossing session that had all the kids hooting and howling. What a blast!

Prayer Update:

  • Praise God for providing a home for Nono (see SNAP for Nono). We were able to connect Nono with a foster Mother in Philippi. So far this seems to be a great set-up.
  • Pray that God would reveal Himself as FATHER to these Orphans. We will be teaching and leading discussion on this tomorrow. I so much want these kids to catch a vision and a sense of worth and pride in the truth that God has a special place in His heart for orphans (I'll post my "P For The O"--preference for the orphan--verse list sometime).
  • Pray for Agnes. Agnes is a hero, a champion for Philippi (read a brief history). She is caring for 7 orphans in her small home. She is struggling right now. Her sister's grandaughter (Agnes' grand-niece) was abducted, raped, sodomized and beaten to death two weeks ago. She was two years old. I did not write about this earlier, simply because I don't know what to say or how to say it... Pray for Agnes' family, especially the young girl's mother. Pray for justice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I just read the last 5 or so blogs. Thank you for communicating so well! your blog is awesome! We appreciate you sharing about other ministries and African coutries as well. Darfur has been on our hearts recently.

God bless you guys!
jordan and Belinda

We would love to see pictures of your apartment sometime, and I am sure that other would also.