Sunday, December 17, 2006

speeding ticket plea

20 April 2006
Dear Sir / Madaam,

My name is Matthew Talley. I was driving the vehicle mentioned in the enclosed notice on the date mentioned. I am writing to humbly request the nullification of the stated fines for the following reasons:

· I was sighted at these speeds as I was leaving Stellenbosch both mornings. I am aware that that upon entering Stellenbosch the speed limit is reduced to 60KPH. Upon leaving Stellenbosch, however, one can visibly see the 100KPH sign from the Kayamandi camera. It seems legitimate to me that one could accelerate after departing the Kayamandi intersection in full view of the 100KPH speed limit sign further up the road. Acceleration from this juncture seems fitting and safe.
· As a foreigner volunteering my time with an SA-registered non-profit NGO, I depend entirely upon the charitable donations of others for my livelihood. Furthermore, I was only recently made aware of the use of speed detection cameras. Having received two tickets (enclosed) from the same camera and with my financial status in mind, I ask for mercy regarding the enclosed fines.

Thank you kindly for hearing my request.


Matthew Talley

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