Thursday, February 02, 2006

Talley Ann Noonan

This post is long overdue. But our joy and excitement over this beautiful girl (and family) continues to grow each day. We love to hear how she’s growing, her beautiful smiles and cooing at her siblings and her peaceful nature. In some ways she feels like a sister, or even our own daughter—until then again we realize we’ve never seen or held or kissed her. But it honestly feels like we have sometimes.

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families...

In awesome echo to this promise in Psalm 68, God brought Talley to the Noonan family back in July '05. If you want to read the awesome story of faith and provision that has eventually led to Talley's official adoption going though just a few weeks ago! visit this post on the Hatches Blog where Marialice writes beautifully of our Sovereign God.

Jack and Polly Noonan are dear, dear friends of ours and the outrageously proud parents of Talley Ann. They've four other precious kids: Austin, Josiah, Grace, and Emma, who love to create. But you'll get to see more of their creations another time.


Anonymous said...

Talley is a precious, precious baby. Just to clarify - did they name Talley after you? : )

Anonymous said...

Holly smokes, when I first read this I thought you guys were adopting that precious baby!