Thursday, February 02, 2006

SNAP for the kids

Sometimes I fear we don't cry out often enough for prayer on behalf of the kids in Philippi and the greater Cape Flats. Please Stop Now And Pray for the two recently orphaned children who live just down the street from Agnes. Agnes was called upon to tell the young boy and girl that their only remaining parent, their father, had just died of AIDS. No one else had the strength of heart to tell them. Pray for Agnes who is often called upon for counsel and help. With all that she encounters, it's no wonder she struggles with ulcers, or as she puts it, "I am scared for this stomach...". Pray for the teachers in the overcrowded schools. The nearest school to where we work is already 400 students OVER capacity! Pray also for the sick couple who are too weak with AIDS to work regular jobs. Pray that they would be able to earn enough money beading little star ornaments to care for themselves and their 6 year old child who also has stage 4 AIDS (very low T-cell count).
Ask God to shatter and blow away the weight of these burdens by impressing this truth on these precious hearts: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." --Is 41:10

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