Sunday, September 04, 2005

Two Worlds

The Western Cape
(pic fm
We live in Stellenbosch and work in Philippi. Philippi is in the heart of the Cape Flats, right near the airport. About 4 million people (approx. 80% unemployed) live in the cape flats, the murder and rape capital of South Africa (among other less infamous notables). Stellenbosch, about 25-30 min. away, is known for it's "ivy league" University and perhaps moreso for it's wine industry. Around this university town are scattered around 115 vinyards nestled up against the rugged Helderberg and Simonsberg mountains. This is our view of Stellenbosch (aka "Eikestad", town of oaks) as we rumble home after working in the township:
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
(above is fm a glossy tourist site, see other pics @
This is our view driving in to work in Philippi
To read more about Philippi and see other pics, follow this link. (The sight is deceptively positive...e.g. it fails to mention that the "clinics" are really one clinic without a full-time doctor and serving over 300,000 people.) Philippi is, obviously, incredibly resource-poor and largely without any outside interest in development. As dismal as the setting is in Philippi, the smiles and joy that flow out of the hearts of some of those we get to see each week will always excite us and draw us back!

Phozisa and Melinda

This is just some background to give you our setting. We'll journal some more details and impressions as time goes on. I (matthew) feel almost too imbued with or absorbed full of info and new experiences that I haven't had time to reflect on how I feel about stuff. Suffice it to say, the overwhelming sense I have is one of peace, knowing we're where God wants us, and excitement about all that lies ahead. I know we're still the heart of the honeymoon period, and I'm loving it--life in SA is Fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for journalling here, I like the insight you guys give on your life and what you are experiencing in South Africa.
Thanks for showing pictures! I'm glad that you are enjoying South Africa, that it's fun and that you have peace. Praise God!
Love you guys!