Saturday, August 06, 2005

Letter--June '05

June 9, 2005
“Building bridges into suffering nations in order to create long-term, self-sustaining solutions to the deep problems of our world.”

Dear Friends and Family,

We are thrilled to tell you that we have been accepted by
Bridges of Hope International (BHI) and commissioned to join their team in South Africa! God has unequivocally confirmed his call for us to return to South Africa. After observing and participating in the ministry of Bridges of Hope in the shanty town of Philippi, we are excited about the powerful work God is doing there. We were blown away by the ownership of the work and depth of faith shown by the Philippians. We are privileged to join in this empowering development work to both spread the Gospel and provide for the desperate needs of the community. This letter marks our effort to raise financial support for our initial year-long term of service with BHI (details at the end).
Bridges of Hope was born out of Goleta Community Covenant Church, founded by our former pastor and his wife, Dennis and Susan Wadley. BHI is a holistic Christian organization dedicated to helping in the worldwide battle against HIV/AIDS. The Bridges of Hope South Africa Project was developed in response to the AIDS pandemic that has ravaged the nation of South Africa to a greater extent than any other country on earth. It is BHI’s vision that people from around the world will unite to provide sacrificial, immediate aid to those in South Africa suffering from AIDS and its devastating effects and to partner with them in creating long-term, self-sustaining solutions to their needs. BHI South Africa is working in the township (or “shanty town”) of Philippi on the outskirts of Cape Town. BHI is the only development organization working in this desperately poor community of 100,000 people (approx. 80% unemployed!). Bridges of Hope also seeks to break down the strongholds of racism by building bridges between the drastically remote black and white communities and churches.

We are incredibly impressed by the work of the Holy Spirit through BHI’s expansive work in Philippi and at the hands of the Philippians themselves. BHI’s approach is to empower the Philippians to transform their own community and not to foster dependence on outside relief. This is clearly evidenced in the way the Philippian BHI staff have embraced ownership and are incredibly dedicated, Christ-dependant and humble leaders. American BHI staff partner with them, providing encouragement to develop a vision for bringing healing to Philippi. BHI has succeeded in implementing a holistic, comprehensive development program that touches every generation. BHI is intimately connected within the community as they partner with, and all ministries flow through, the local church. BHI has three main concentrations:
Community Health Evangelism (CHE): A program utilizing the extensive curriculum of Medical Ambassadors, CHE trains residents of Philippi who in turn go throughout the community educating and encouraging others in the gospel. The training consists of spiritual lessons (God’s grace, forgiveness, conflict resolution, etc.) and physical health lessons specifically relevant to Philippi (AIDS, hygiene, infections, etc.). We observed two CHE lessons and were impressed by the enthusiastic participation of the Philippians and their eagerness to learn and educate their community. BHI has also assisted in the creation of three micro-businesses all run by Philippian women: a knitting group, a sewing group, and a beading group. The Micro-businesses have provided employment for many women, some of whom have been able to purchase a modest home to live in as a result of their earnings. These women are involved in the CHE training and meet in and work from the church in Philippi.
After School Program: The After School Program at the primary school in Philippi is an amazing program that reaches all of the students at Masivuke School. The program serves 80 children at a time for a six month program that meets after school three days a week. We are excited by the enthusiasm of the volunteers and how the children enjoy it so much. What a great alternative to playing unsupervised in the dangerous streets of Philippi!
Orphan Care: With 1.3 million orphans in South Africa already and 5 million predicted by 2010, this is a huge and increasing need! BHI has built a home for a woman in Philippi who has taken in 6 orphans. A long-term vision for BHI is to equip South Africans to adopt/raise orphans and care for them—BHI is in the process of searching for a plot of land in South Africa on which to build a community for this very purpose.
We will be serving in the area of orphans and vulnerable children. BHI has asked that we develop and expand this arm of the ministry. We are eager to begin weaving a network of individuals and families within Philippi who will be trained and available to respond to the needs of children who, in their most desperate hour, are frequently victimized. We hope to identify and train foster parents in Philippi, network volunteers to aid in crises, and develop an outward looking support group for children. Please pray that God will direct our work!

Our future work took on weighty significance during our time in Philippi. Four siblings were orphaned during our stay—both parents’ lives claimed by AIDS. The oldest, a 16 year-old girl, is now left to care for the others. Two other siblings, a five year-old and pregnant 17 year-old were also orphaned as their mother had died of AIDS and their father was recently shot last week. We visited these homes and were able to grieve and brainstorm with the Christian community leaders about options for the care and protection of these little children. We also visited and were able to pray with a woman and her 4 year old daughter who was recently raped by her father’s friend (who, only a few days later, is out of prison and often in the area). The depths of need and heartbreak could go on and on. We need grace to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”(Rom. 12:12). We ask you to pray with us that God would mobilize His global Church to respond to these needs. (Perhaps you can share this letter with someone else…email us for an attachable word doc.)
We are privileged to join in this successful development work. Now, as employees of BHI, we must raise our own salary for this coming year. We will move back to Pleasanton, California next week where we will stay until we return to South Africa. We need your help to get back to work in South Africa! Please consider supporting us financially for our initial year-long term of service. Our financial goals are $4,000 in one-time gifts for start up expenses, and $2,564 in monthly support. (Your contribution is tax-deductible. For tax reasons, do not write our names on the check, simply include the response card or a note designating your gift to us. Thank you!) Please consider 12 monthly gifts. We hope to leave for South Africa this summer, on August 1. We realize it will be a mighty work of God, through sacrificial giving, to provide for us so quickly.
We also need a committed group of people to pray for us regularly. If you will commit to pray, please encourage us by letting us know that you will. If you would like to partner with us in either of these ways, please fill out the attached slip and return it in the enclosed envelope. We commit that we will keep you well informed (via periodic letters and emails) and never at a loss for how to pray!
Thank you for taking the time to read about our future in South Africa with BHI!
In Christ,
Melinda and Matthew

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