Thursday, June 30, 2005

Welcome to our site!

We hope you'll be able to catch a glimpse of our hearts and our work in South Africa through this site. Please use the links to learn more and raise awareness.

Our Task: Expand and Develop the Orphan Care and Vulnerable Children System

We have been commissioned to this work, essentially to come alongside the community of Philippi just outside of Cape Town, South Africa. There are roughly 100,000 people living in tin shacks and cement block homes in Philippi. Roughly 80,000 do not have jobs and thousands (it is impossible to know how many) have HIV/AIDS. The orphan population continues to rise, and if projections are accurate, the number of orphans in this shanty town will explode out of control. Philippi desperately needs foster parents and other adults who will come to the aid and protection of these vulnerable children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew and Melinda,
I love your site! It is really awesome! Thank you for the work you do in South Africa! You guys are incredible!
Thank you so much for your emails and especially your prayers, they are greatly appreciated and felt!
I hope you have a great day!