Friday, July 21, 2006

A Farewell

I’m gonna more or less copy the gist of my talk with the Angels of God support group from this Friday to share here.

Melinda and I came to South Africa to do Kingdom building. Working for God is being a part of something bigger than myself. It is investing my life into something that will never spoil or fade. Ever. And if you are God’s children than you also are a part of something bigger than yourself, your community or your country. You alone can make the choice of how much you want to invest into the Kingdom. (And I’m not even gonna begin talking about the kind of return this investment reaps.)

It’s so cool being a part of building God’s Kingdom because you get to know God better as you get more involved. I have shared a lot of thoughts and instruction with you this year. But today I want to share with you what you—the Angels of God group—have taught and reminded me about life and about God.

1. Philippi is at the center of the world.
2. Jesus and all the angels speak Xhosa.
3. Your voices are truly the most beautiful instruments known to mankind.
4. Joy does not come from circumstances but from the heart.
5. You have shown me that strength is not in might or power, but found in one’s spirit. In spite of seemingly insurmountable pain and opposition, you still choose to smile and say "Bambalela” (never give up).
6. You have shown me that South Africa has a wonderful future. Because I know that I am sitting with many of the countries leaders right now.
7. Nobody can determine my mood or how I respond to life. I am the only one with that choice.
8. Forgiveness is a supreme virtue. Forgiveness does not mean that you have to give up on justice. But rather forgiveness is part of God’s plan to heal injustice.
9. Hope is a very bright light. And just a few people with a big and sure hope can bring light to many. You guys in this room here have the very real potential of lighting up your whole community.

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