Thursday, December 01, 2005

SNAP for the planet

Stop Now And Pray for the 40+ million people living with HIV today (well over 2 million of whom are yound kids living with the disease). Pray specifically also for the millions of orphans--this massive generation (1.5m+ in SA alone)--who are growing up parentless as a result of AIDS.

A global glance at our generation's most massive Goliath:
  • 40 million people living with HIV worldwide (2.2 m children.)
  • 5 million people newly infected with HIV in 2004.
  • 700,000 people currently receive anti-HIV drugs in developing countries.
  • 90% of people living with HIV are in developing countries.
  • HIV is increasing fastest in East Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
  • Only 12% of people needing anti-HIV drugs in developing countries receive them.
  • Anti-HIV drugs cost on average US$300 per person per year. (That's only 82 cents a day!)
  • 3 million people died of AIDS in 2003.
  • Over 20 million total AIDS deaths to date.

All international statistics are from UNAIDS, 2004 last updated: December 2004. (That's a year ago!) I got the above summarized info from

Learn more about World AIDS Day at

And please continue to pray for our Summer/Christmas camp for orphans next week, December 5-8. Our theme: Born To Be A Blessing. Pray that God would use us to call these kids out towards a life lived in the grace and power of God!

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