Monday, November 07, 2005

Table Mountain


We got to hike Table Mountain this weekend. What a beautiful and strange mountain--and the view from the top was stunning. We could see clear across the cape flats ( this is where the airport is, various industries, and the sea of tin shacks of which Philippi is a part) to the Helderberg, Simonsberg and Stellenbosch Mountains. The crisp, salty sea air was blasting at high speeds up on top as well.

A great historical novel that gives awesome context to Cape Town is "The Covenant" by James Michener. That top picture reminds me of the novel and Mitchner's description of the old shipping days of the Royal Dutch East Indie Company...

What other major international city has four national parks/preserves within the city limits?!
This is a pic of the waterfront. There's shopping, eating, entertainment blah blah blah. From here, however, you can catch a ferry boat out to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. "Long Walk To Freedom" by Mandela is a most worthy read.

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