Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Something's Stirring in Spain

[Written by Randy Gonzales, CRM Ethne Spain Team Leader]

Steve Addison in his book, Movements that Change the World, writes, “Movements are characterized by discontent, vision, and action. Discontent unfreezes people from their commitment to the way things are. If the vacuum created by discontent is filled with a vision of a different future and action to bring change, then a movement is born.”

In a terrain notably affected by spiritual abuse of authority, collusion between the church and political structures, and most recently haughty secularism, it is no wonder that the Spanish population’s posture to religious overtures is indifferent at best and contemptuous at worst. After the Franco regime (1935-1975), Spanish evangelical leaders hopefully assumed that since the oppression was now lifted and new freedoms were instituted that their countrymen would come flocking in droves to the Protestant churches. They miscalculated the whims of the human heart significantly.

No one could have estimated how the long years of political and church oppression, the seething emotions and scarred psyche of the Spanish populace would catalyze a sizable societal shift towards unabated personal freedom and the disintegration of religious/moral underpinnings. The secularism that has supplanted the mistrusted church and State in Spain runs rampant in a majority of the systems that orbit the lives of the Spanish people.

Within this milieu the Spanish Protestant church has gained ground, though it has been little and hard-fought, and not without personal sacrifice. Because of the significant difficulties inherent in building the church, over the past 50 years the natural result has been that the church became territorial, divisive, and lacking harmony. But praise God there are new winds blowing... something is astir on the coast! The ingredient of discontent hangs in the air and a mingling of generations is becoming increasingly restless to come together and see God work!

In the last few years a generation of emerging leaders have been seeking God and his plans for redeeming Málaga. And God seems to be favoring this stirring. At the same time He is stirring the hearts of senior leaders who have have been faithful warriors and have cultivated hard won influence to provide openings. He is stirring the emerging generation of leaders who are diving into their surrounding society’s problems hoping to bring redemptive action and change their world. As these young leaders move along with the impulse of the Holy Spirit, their march has been contagious. What began as a small group crying out to God has now begun to spread along the coast. The relational connection and the passion of these young leaders creates spiritual momentum that is enlisting others to serve their hurting world in a counter-cultural move that highlights the healing and calling of the authentic Savior!

Do I daresay this is a movement? That will be determined in the unfolding future. But something is definitely stirring on the Andalusian Coast and it’s a joy to give testimony to this! This move of the Spirit is melting the ice of secular affliction, touching the outcasts with the compassionate hand of the Father, overcoming the works of the enemy, and healing the brokenhearted. He is binding up the wounds.

I want in on this! I want to see God’s hand transforming Málaga, Andalusia, Spain. I want to roll up my sleeves and link arms seeing God use my gifts and experiences to help coach, encourage, and equip these emerging leaders towards the Lord’s vision for Spain. I want to see the glory of God poured out through the very vessels he is raising up here on the Coast. Let it be, Lord. Let it be.

[Read more from Randy Gonzales about the Historical & Modern Religious Contexts of Spain]

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