Monday, August 15, 2005

Sayonara USA




We'll be ducking out of cyberspace for a couple of weeks. We depart SFO the 17th and arrive in Cape Town on the 23rd. We are absolutely exhausted and looking forward so much to a few relaxing days with Matthew's folks in Slovakia. You know how you get around noon when you've had three or four cups of strong coffee and nothing to eat?--that's how we've felt the last couple of weeks. Needless to say, we need some decompression time. We still do not have a place to live for the year (although we have temporary housing lined up). We are also anxious about the transition into work and adjustment to life in South Africa along with the team dynamics etc. etc. We crave your prayers as we walk into a lot of unknowns. We are so greatful to so many who have made this voyage possible. Until later. Cheers.

pax et courage

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